the secret friends club
Q. Can I join the Secret Friends Club?
A. Sorry.
The Secret Friends Club is made up of fictitious members, such as Janet, Emily, and Jane. You can definitely read about them and be a fan. Chances are, the more you read the books, the more you will find in common with one or more of the characters. You may even feel like you're there!
Q. Can I read the books out of order?
A. Of course!
All the books are designed so that you don't need to have read previous volumes. In fact, many of the books are written from the perspective of new members, so they're new to it too!
Q. How many books will be in the series?
A. Time will tell . . .
The plan is a complete series of 20. Of course, once we get there, we may or may not want to stop. As a fan, your feedback is welcome, so give us a holler if you'd like to hear more!
Q. I have another question!
A. Go right ahead!
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